her name is rio and she dances on the sand


hi! i am looking for

sex: male (preferably)

age: 20-24 year old

interest: anything... as long as it is not fishy

criteria: looking for a fun emergency friend who is willing to save my oh-so-boring life as it is. someone who would do random fun things when i'm
we're both bored and umm umm ... stuff like watch movie ke... or go rock climbing or play paintball or whatever.. i can like what you like. i'll be happy enough if you like or at least appreciate what i like. oh, and as long as you're not creepy or wayyy too creepy or weird. and make sure you're nice andddd you must like fight club. jeahhhh! must like sports. i don't mind watching football at a mamak or heck, at a stadium. must have good taste in music. must love food. oh and also entertain my midnight cravings and save my soul by getting me food. heheh and you better have good taste in movies as well. like i said earlier, you must like fight club and maybe godfather or hannibal sequels. bottom line is that you've got to be my life saviour. savvy?

p.s. please please be cute/adorable/sweet/look like milo so i can fall in love with you at the end of the day

contact me at: 1-800-trix-needs-a-buddy or simply email me at trixie@nonexistentmail.com

hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, yep guys i think am THIS bored mannn. BOO HOO.

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